UChicago Spring 2022 Graphics Animation-Off
June 03, 2022
We wrapped up this quarter of CMSC 23700: Introduction to Computer Graphics with an Animation-Off featuring 10-second animation clips created by each of the undergraduates in the course.
Students implemented various graphics algorithms, ranging from Bsplines, edge flips, edge collapses, bump maps, and inverse kinematics, to least squares conformal maps. Students leveraged knowledge and code developed throughout the course.
During the animation-off, students voted for their favorite animation entries. Congrats to the winner - Andy Yang - as well as the rest of the honorable mentions!
Winner is Andy Yang!
Congrats Andy!
Top 10 Favorite Entries & Honorable Mentions ⭐
Special Thanks to Pixar
Special thanks to Pixar, Alicea Engquist, and Fernando de Goes for the wonderful prizes!